

Good governance is crucial to the successful running of any charitable organisation and at C&C we take great pride in how we operate and benefit our residents.

Our Board

The C&C Board of Management is our governing body and is responsible for ensuring the C&C group is well managed and responds to the needs of our residents and service users.

The Board is supported in its role by a clear Committees structure to ensure effective scrutiny and decision making is in place.

Our Board and committees work within a clear set of rules that detail how we are run as a business.

Our Executive Team

Our Executive Team’s role is to run C&C effectively; making sure we provide great services to our customers, deliver the Board’s strategy, and meet the requirements of our regulators.

Our regulators

As a registered provider of social housing we are registered with the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH). Find out more about how we are regulated and the standards we meet.

As provider of care, some of our services are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Find out more about the CQC.

As a Community Benefit Society we must also meet the requirements of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Learn more information about the FCA.

Key governance documents

We publish a number of documents that tell you how well are are performing a company that can be found on our Publications, policies and reports page.

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