Keeping your home safe in the summer


With the warmer weather finally here, it’s time to remind ourselves of some top tips to keep us and our homes safe over the summer months.

  • Keep your windows locked: It can be tempting to leave your windows open throughout the day and night to keep a fresh breeze coming in but we need to remember this can leave our homes more vulnerable to theft. Remember to shut and lock accessible windows when you leave the house for the day and shut any accessible windows overnight.
  • BBQ safety: Ensure your BBQ is set up away from hedges, fences or other objects, and is in a well-ventilated position. After enjoying a BBQ, avoid the ground underneath as this can remain hot for a while and potentially cause burns. Only dispose of ashes from the BBQ when they are cold to touch as hot ash can melt bins and cause fires.
  • Keep garden tools locked away: For any keen gardeners it’s important to make sure you have locked your tools away safely after a day pruning and planting.
  • Holiday and home safety: If you’re planning a holiday then make sure to let your neighbours know if you know them well; you can ask them to keep an eye on your home whilst you’re away. If you’re expecting parcels whilst you’re away, then either rebook for when you’re home and rearrange the delivery address to avoid a build-up of post on your doorstep.
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