Proposed merger with Aster Group: C&C publishes resident consultation report


C&C has today published a report detailing the outcomes of a detailed resident consultation regarding its proposed merger with housing association Aster Group.

The consultation, which was held between June and August 2021, invited residents, relatives and friends of care home residents, and other C&C stakeholders to provide feedback and questions about the proposed merger, which was announced in June.

During the 10 week period C&C received over 200 responses, which were broadly a mixture of support for the merger along with questions or specific concerns. The report shares some of the positive feedback received as well as the most common queries we received.

15 meetings were held to discuss the proposed merger, attracting approximately 150 attendees.

The full report can be found here.

You can find out more about C&C’s proposed merger with Aster Group, including a comprehensive frequently asked questions (FAQs) list, at

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