How to pay your rent


Ways of paying your rent and charges

Your rent is charged every Monday. To give you more flexibility, you can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly. There are several ways that you can pay your rent:

If you are you experiencing difficulties in paying your rent, please contact our Service Hub staff to discuss your situation on 0207 922 5300.

There are a number of ways you can pay with AllPay:

  • AllPay website - To pay your rent online via the AllPay website, please ensure you have your 19-digit swipe card number ready for your reference.
  • AllPay App - The app can save your payment numbers, amounts, and bank card details so you can pay at any time, 24/7. Download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
  • AllPay Payment card - All residents will receive a payment card at the start of their tenancy. This can be used to pay at the Post Office or anywhere with a PayPoint Sign.

See or for more details.

Call our Income Team on 0207 922 5300 0207 922 5300 to set up a Direct Debit. We can set these up weekly, fortnightly, four weekly or monthly to suit you.

If you are claiming Housing Benefit towards your rent payments, we recommend you have it paid directly to us from your local authority. Please be aware that the Housing Benefit is paid 4-weeks in arrears.

Call 0330 041 6497 0330 041 6497 to pay by card through the 24/7 payment service. Have your 19 digit AllPay card reference at hand. You can also call the Income Team on 0207 922 5300 0207 922 5300 Debit or Credit cards are accepted.

Our details for setting up a Standing Order are:

Account number: 00505389  Sort Code: 30-96-64.

Please quote your tenancy reference on all Standing Order paperwork so that your bank can process your request.

Universal Credit has replaced the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Working Tax Credits
  • Child Tax Credits
  • Housing Benefit

Universal Credit pays monthly and includes an amount towards your housing costs. This is usually paid direct to you rather than the Landlord, so you’ll need to arrange to pay your rent out of your Universal Credit money.

You can get independent advice in dealing with rent arrears and other debts from a variety of organisations:

Are you having trouble paying your rent?

Staying on top of your rent can be difficult.

Contact us for help.

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